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Lesson Policies

These are my policies regarding lessons, lesson materials, practicing, scheduling and payment for my regular, weekly students. These policies are in place in order to promote a clear understanding of my expectations. If you have any questions please talk to me directly. Any and all communication is encouraged.

Lessons are weekly and will take place in my home studio. Once a day and time are agreed upon, that time is reserved for the student and is treated as a standing appointment. All students have weekly, one-hour lessons.

Tuition is a monthly fee of $300 for all “Option #1” students, and the fee for December will be $150 due to scheduled breaks (view my TEACHING CALENDAR). Most months, students will have four lessons. While it may fluctuate (some months three lessons, some months five lessons), it all balances out. Lesson payments are due on the 1st of each month or by the 1st scheduled lesson of the month. If the payment has yet to be received by the 1st scheduled lesson of the month, lessons will be suspended until the monthly payment is made. If you have circumstances that require your payment to be made later in the month, we can work out special arrangements. Payments can be made by cash, check*, PayPal (using friends and family option please – no fees), or directly through my website store (credit cards and PayPal). Printed and/or emailed receipts can be provided upon request at any time.
*If a check bounces, you are responsible for paying the balance in cash in addition to any fees my bank charges after which all future lessons must be paid in cash, via PayPal, or on my website (credit cards or PayPal).

Distance Learning. If your travel time to my home is an hour or more or if you are unable to attend a live lesson due to transportation, weather, sickness or other personal matters, we can have a live lesson over ZOOM during your normal lesson time.

Schedules can change. Each student is allowed one rescheduled lesson per term (Fall/Spring), however you can trade lessons with other students as many times as you need as long as you communicate those changes with me ahead of time. If you have a conflict you know about in advance, such as a family trip or a school event, please contact other students in the studio to attempt switching times first. You can reference the current schedule in the shared clarinet folder in Evernote. Once trades are finalized, notify me at least the day before so I am prepared for the correct student. Lesson swaps are the only way to guarantee a live, in-person lesson other than your ONE rescheduled lesson per term. If your schedule changes mid-way through a term and you need a permanent change to your lesson day and time, please contact me directly and we will work that out together.

Cancellations are unfortunate, but with the way my lesson policies are set up, you will still benefit from some kind of instruction from me. If you know you will miss your lesson, please let me know at least the day before when possible – especially if you have a lesson during a time when I have a babysitter. If you are sick, please stay home. If you are too sick to go to school, you are certainly too sick to come to a lesson. Keep in mind that I have little ones at home. We can meet online if you feel up to playing. If there is an unpredictable conflict and you must miss your lesson unexpectedly, please let me know you will be unable to attend as soon as you can. We can always switch to an online lesson at the last minute. Otherwise, you can send a recording of your assigned materials and I will provide feedback or I may record a short video lesson based on music or concepts relevant to what you are currently studying. If I must miss a lesson, I will be in touch to reschedule. If individual make-up times are unavailable, a group lesson may be scheduled.

Advanced Notice: Communication is key! 24 hour notice (or more) for any missed lesson is ideal. If you find yourself in an emergency situation, please provide a heads up that you are unable to attend. NO-SHOWS without communication after the fact are extremely rare with my students. After the second no-show (without communication), lessons will be discontinued. A quick text is the best and fastest way to get in touch.

Exceptions to the Above:

  1. Band Contest/Honor Band Conflicts/Solo Contest: Lessons that conflict with marching band contests, solo contests and honor band audition and clinic days can be rescheduled.
    *** Please never assume I know all of the contest dates and honor band clinic/concert dates. I am very aware of audition dates but I have students in many different districts. Please be in touch regarding all band-related conflicts so that we can reschedule well in advance.
  2. Summer Term: Lessons during the summer tend to be unpredictable so we can switch to payment per lesson at $75 per lesson during June, July and August. Of course, everyone needs a bit of a break, but summer can also be a time to get ahead. I often have students working on special projects that provide a challenge so that they are ahead of the game when school starts and we get a head start with honor band audition music as well. As a “maintenance plan,” students will need to have a minimum of two lessons per month (or 6 total during summer months) in order to hold their spot for the Fall term. If you plan to be in town and you are available for lessons for the entire summer, you can opt to continue with the regular monthly payment.
  3. Teacher Cancellations: If I must cancel your lesson, I will work with you to either reschedule, set up an online lesson, organize group lessons with students of like ability or those working on similar music, or (as a last resort) I will record a short video lesson for you. Also, be sure to check my teaching calendar in Evernote.

Lesson notes will be recorded using Evernote. This is a wonderful program that allows for a very clear understanding of assigned materials and has some great features where we can make recordings and easily share files and links, etc. Students can also record up to 20 measures of music each day for feedback from me. This helps increase improvement drastically. Students and parents will both have access to the student notebook within Evernote to aid in consistent communication and lesson preparation. When a student begins lessons, an Evernote invitation will be sent out via email. Follow the instructions to get signed up and then you can download the app to your computer and phone, etc. New notes appear in almost real time without the need of further permissions, etc. Feel free to use it in other areas of your life to stay organized. The FREE version of this app is all you will need for lessons.

Lesson materials will be chosen according to the student’s level/goals and will include scales, études, performance repertoire, music theory, audition materials and music from band class. Students must bring the following to every session: a functional clarinet and mouthpiece/ligature, working reeds, and all assigned lesson materials. You will also need a metronome and tuner for practicing. There are many free and/or affordable tuner and metronome apps available. Please let me know if you plan to upgrade equipment. It is important that we discuss your musical needs as you make these choices and I will help you with the process – free of charge!

Solo and Ensemble Contest:
We will select music for solo and ensemble contests together. In addition, I will provide an initial photo copy (if I own the music) so students can begin practicing immediately. Students will then be required to purchase their own original copy of the sheet music to take to contest. This allows several things: builds the student’s music library, demands a higher level of responsibility from the student, avoids copyright issues, AND helps me to keep track of my own original copies.

Practicing is a part of clarinet study. Playing the clarinet involves mastering skills such as reading music, understanding rhythms, memorizing fingerings and building mental and physical stamina. Regular and well-planned practice in-between lessons helps to promote and maintain these skills. It is difficult to suggest an exact amount of practice time to ensure success. Students need to have specific goals in mind during practice sessions and apply techniques that will promote results. Practice techniques will be discussed often in lessons!

Safety: The safety of each student is a top priority. Parents are welcome to view the teaching environment at any time and are welcome to observe lessons occasionally. However, students are more likely to be comfortable and do their best when the environment is free from distractions.

“Fine Print” I am very dedicated to the success of each of my students. Yet, if it appears to me that the student lacks focus in their studies by coming unprepared, by consistently missing lessons, or by showing a questionable attitude, I reserve the right to terminate the lessons. My schedule requires me to limit the number of students in my studio, so I will let one go to allow another student to join. Students “at risk” will be informed that improvements need to be made to hold their spot. No action will be taken without discussions with the student (and the parent/caregiver) beforehand.

If any of the above policies change, you will be notified as soon as possible.

Last updated: July 2024