NOTICE: I will be out of town from January 7-12 for the Low Clarinet Festival. Orders placed during that time will be filled starting on January 13th. Thanks!

Finger Fitness Études, Book 2: Étude Dedications

Some were meant to be a surprise, but the secret is out now! If your name is on this list, you have an étude dedicated to you in Finger Fitness Études, Book 2! Great news, congrats! Unfortunately, it also means you are ineligible for this competition. You can help by spreading the word about the competition!

(Names are in the order they appear in the book. Who has time to alphabetize?)

1. Jaime Trevino, Jr.
2. Katherine Carleton
3. Dheperson Barbuco
4. Max Johnston
5. Shannon Kiewitt
6. Julianne Kirk-Doyle
7. Krystal Williams
8. Annie Lenoir (RIP)
9. Abigail Baldwin
10. Trayon C. Spivey-Hall
11. Brian Corbin
12. Katherine Cooke
13. Katie Vedder
14. Seunghee Lee
15. Marcus Moore
16. Paula Corley
17. Steve Snyder (RIP)
18. Larry Guy
19. Bradford Behn
20. Anne Watson
21. Michael Lowenstern
22. David Sapadin
23. Julian Bliss
24. Anthony McGill
25. Andrew Simon
26. Ian Buckspan
27. Michele Zukovsky
28. Elsa Ludewig-Verdehr
29. Shannon Scott
30. Jessica Lindsey
31. Cathy Ogram
32. Diane Barger
33. Doreen Ketchens
34. Trevor Young
35. Simon Foo
36. Brian Greenleaf
37. Daniel Silver
38. Danny Darrough
39. Connie Rhoades
40. Tom Puwalski